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Strive hard to build a leading brand in the industry!

Human Resources Philosophy

    Under the aegis of high-ranking administrative team of our company,and inspired by company’s vision to become a World Class Fabrication Base of Sheet Metal Part,we continuously strive to create a Career environment with hallmark that‘Let Morality and Fine Behavior , Fairness and Efficiency be core value ’,so as to provide solid human and talent resource that could bring the company’s will to achieve the strategic goal into full effect.

    The company has a consummate Human-Power Hierarchical system. Newly-recruited Staff will undergo Career-Training,Three-Grades Safety Education and Newly Recruited Employees Post-Education.The company will offer the employees attractive career development option-plan through the Nomination-by-competition, position-transfer on demand,and Management&Skills training courses for employees to advance their own transformation.



Contact information

Add:No.7 Miaoxing Road, Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China

Factory run:+86-0516-87790222 HR:+86-0516-87798078 Technology:+86-0516-87790298 Sale:+86-0516-87790018

Purchase:0516-87735958 Equipment:0516-87790038 Fax: +86-516-87790058


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